Beyond Management: Transforming Lives through Compassionate Leadership

It all began when I was relatively new in my role, having been in the position for just two months. A manager approached me with a request to terminate an employee who had been with the team for three years. He explained that this team member, who up until six months ago had been performing excellently, was now underperforming. Her behavior had changed; she was forgetful, frequently arriving late and leaving early, and she simply wasn’t herself.

Upon inquiring if these issues had been documented, I received the typical response: ‘No, and why would I need to?’ The manager also admitted he hadn’t communicated his concerns to the team member, believing it wasn’t his responsibility but rather a task for HR.

This interaction was a stark revelation about the work culture we had, and it underscored the urgent need for change. But first, the woman whose job was on the line deserved a fair chance. She deserved to share her side of the story and warranted a manager who saw her as a human being, as a valued team member.

When I met with her—let’s call her Jane—her reaction to a simple question about her wellbeing was telling. Expecting to be fired, Jane was moved to tears. During our two-hour conversation, she opened up about the challenges she was facing: a custody battle, struggles with alcoholism, and financial instability. Together, we developed a plan for her success, which included weekly check-ins and providing her with the necessary tools to thrive.

This approach starkly contrasted with the manager’s initial plan to dismiss Jane. We chose to invest in a team member who had been loyal to the company for three years and was previously a top performer. Life had simply thrown her a curveball, and rather than abandoning her, we supported her.

About a month later, Jane confided in me. During our initial conversation, she was at a breaking point, contemplating taking her own life. She felt she was failing everyone—her colleagues, friends, and family—and sensed her time at the job was ending due to the hostility from her manager and peers.

But our conversation was a turning point for her. By bridging the gap between HR, management, and employees, we created an environment of equality and understanding. The plan we put in place focused on her wellbeing and work performance, setting achievable goals. And she succeeded.

This experience underscored the vital difference between merely managing operations and leading people. As leaders, it’s imperative to foster a mindset that prioritizes helping team members. It’s about shifting from a management perspective to a leadership one, guiding individuals towards success both within and outside the organization. Effective communication can be the difference between ending a career and saving a life.

It can transform a struggling team member into a thriving one, thus preserving an invaluable asset for the company and uplifting overall morale. It’s all about humanizing the workplace and realizing that, at the end of the day, we are all just people trying to do our best in both our personal and professional lives.

That’s why today, and everyday, we strive to transform lives with the power of HR. 

Human Resources Hero | At NevadaHR, we are committed to supporting the Nevada workforce and employers with innovative HR solutions. Let's grow together!

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